Peace Corps Volunteers Robin & Jim Eleazer and Anna Kreitzer will sponsor a summer english camp at the Dolyna Library, June 29 and 30th, July 5 and 6th and August 17th and 18th from 1:30-4:30.
All students must registrar for the camp so we have enough supplies. Students who attend all camps will receive an “English Camp Certificate” Camp costs 50 UAH for 6 sessions to help pay for supplies. Registration will be held to 35 students. Call the library at 2-81-36 to registrar.
June 29th – Scavenger Hunt. Teams for 4 students go looking for items using the letters A to Z. (1:45-3:00) Come back to the library and make a presentation for a grand prize. Ideas include:
A is for Apple
B is for a blade of grass
C is for a clover leaf
R is for a rock
W is for wild flowers
June 30th- String Bracelets
July 5 – 4th of July celebration. Why America celebrates the 4th of July. A trip through the United States of America.
July 6th- An American picnic and kick ball. (Hand out movie vocabulary)
August 17th – Movie. Student pretend to buy tickets to come to the movie. Discuss the vocabulary. Watch movie and then discuss.
August 18th - Awards Party. Certificates, snacks and student presentations.
The mission of the NGO is to improve the potential of the community of Dolyna in regards to education, health, social competence, sports, economy and community service. Підвищення потенціалу громади м. Долина у сферах освіти, охорони здоров'я, соціальної компетентності, спорту, економіки і громадських послуг.
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