Thursday, 30 June 2011


Positioning Conference "pilot" community foundations in the framework of the "School community foundations'  ISAR "Unity" with the assistance of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Dear colleagues!
The team of "School community foundations" sincerely thank you for participating in the contest to support a "pilot" community foundations in Ukraine that was held ISAR "Unity" with the financial support of them. C. S. Mott.
Your application has passed the first and second qualifying round of the competition and was recommended by the Expert Council to support the program. The results of an identification mission, which is made by representatives of the School community foundations, also indicate that your initiative to create a "pilot" fund a community can be supported by the School community foundations.
Welcome! Your application was selected from among 82 others that we received from the various initiatives and organizations from all regions of Ukraine (the competition - more than 20 applicants for 1 seat). Your initiative to create a community fund will become a "pilot" community fund as part of school community foundations. I sincerely hope you are aware of the special responsibilities assigned to all "pilot" community funds, and with honor will tackle the difficult challenges that await in this way.
The first step in our further cooperation, we see your participation in the installation of the conference "pilot" community foundations, which will be held July 6 in Kiev. During the conference, scheduled signing framework agreements with organizations and initiatives, which will be supported as part of school community foundations (details will be communicated to you the following letter).
staff of the School community foundations


We are sponsoring two camps this week.

ART CAMP. The art school in Dolyna is very small and can only take about 80 students a year. This camp is providing pencils and paints to students who cannot afford to attend the regular school. Although school is free the students need to provide their own supplies. (rayon school administrators provide heat, lights and small salaries). Many students from poorer families or orphans don't have the resources needed to attend these kind of extra activities. Our grants has purchased supplies for these students. The camp is being taught by 5 very talented art students who have been attending this school for over 4 years. These students are volunteers and are led by the director, Oleg and his wonderful assistant Ira. We have visited this camp the last two days and it is amazing. The concentration of the students is inspiring and the kindness of Oleg, Ira and teachers is heartwarming. I wish we could provide this year around. We have done many projects in Dolyna these last two years but Oleg and his crew make very proud and so happy that we selected them to do a project with. Next week the students will go to the mayors datcha for a day of painting in the forest. We will make tea, have a fire and watch them paint to their hearts content.

Student teacher helping a student from the 1st class

ENGLISH CAMP. Our second camp is the English camp at the local library. We have done an English club for two years but this summer decided to do a camp. Anna, Jim and I are running this camp and we have 6 days of fun activities. Today the students went on a scavenger hunt through Dolyna searching for items from the letters of the alphabet. What fun it was to go to the small local stores and watch these shy kids ask for items in Ukrainian and then try to find items in English. They asked a lady for something that starts with the letter Q. She just laughed and laughed and said I don't know English. We finally found Q-tips. Most of the word were new for the students but it sure was fun. After the event we started a spelling bee. It was so much fun, we decided to challenge to a competition this winter.

The Girls Team


Boys Team - old flower, dead flower, yellow flower, pink flower etc.... The boys did most of the alphabet in this weed garden.

Looking for something with the letter Q

Larysa helped them find ornaments for O and then umbrella for U.

This great idea came stright from the boys X for Zerox. The lady thought they were a little crazy but she played along.

Sponsoring these two camps will be the highlight of the summer. To see their smiling faces and hear their joyous laughter makes tough days sure worthwhile.

Художня майстерня / Art School Summer Camp

30 червня у приміщенні Дитячої художньої школи розпочався літній табір для учнів.  Діти відвідають 4 заняття (кожне тривалістю 3 години), на яких їм розкажуть про основи образотворчого мистецтва: геометричні форми, оптичні властивості кольору, повітряну перспективу, створення ескізу, ознайомлять з мистецтвом Стародавнього Єгипту. Більшість учнів літнього табору – це діти, які не мають змоги платити за навчання або не підходять за віком. Це чудова можливість для них розкрити свій талант і опанувати нові знання.

Перше заняття провели директор школи Олег Лаврів, викладач Ірина Сенів та четверо учнів-волонтерів, які навчаються у художній школі. Вони з захопленням допомагали учасникам табору, ділилися досвідом і власними мистецькими секретами. Діти, наче справжні художники, сиділи за мольбертами, прислухаючись до порад вчителів, і зосереджено наносили на папір впевнені штрихи.

На одному з занять учні також створять абстрактну композицію під назвою «У світі снів». Для цього буде необхідно згадати один зі своїх снів і перенести його на папір та виконати у техніці тонового рисунка. Це завдання дасть можливість фантазувати, мислити творчо та невимушено, використовувати всю кольорову палітру, відобразити на полотні свої емоції.

Останнє заняття відбудеться на відкритому повітрі за межами школи.  Діти будуть малювати пейзаж, спілкуватися та повторювати вивчене. По закінченні табору на основі дитячих робіт буде створена виставка під назвою «Безкраї простори». Кілька найкращих малюнків відберуть для участі в фандрейзингу (благодійному зборі коштів), який відбудеться в художній школі 29 липня.  Вилучені кошти допоможуть придбати необхідне для учнів обладнання та матеріали.

Заняття у літньому таборі проходять за підтримки волонтерів Корпусу Миру США Роберти та Джеймса Ілейжерів і Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID).

                                                                     Наталія Іванів, Благодійний фонд громади м. Долина